Thursday, 27 February 2014

Majority wants ban on Burqa in Britain

No.1 (extreme left): Hold on while i take a dump under the secrecy of my burqa.

No.2 (front): Omg! My burqa isn't blue!

No.3 (extreme right): I've left a trail of sweat on the ground so my husband can find me.
No1 (extreme left): I hope no one sees me scratch my pubes.

No.2 (middle): I hope no one sees me scratch my nips.

Baby (extreme right): Where's my mini-burqa? I feel insecure.

61% still want a ban on burkas, a modest decline from 2011 – although the level of support for a ban varies dramatically by voters’ politics and age

Muslim women wearing a veil over their face must remove it to give evidence in court, a judge has ruled. However women will be allowed to wear a veil when standing trial. The ruling comes after the Prime Minister’s office expressed support for allowing schools to ban students from wearing veils. A Muslim veil, also called a burka or a niqab, is a loose garment worm by women in some Islamic traditions for the purpose of hiding a female’s face and body when out in public.

Most Britons would go even further, a YouGov poll for the Sun reveals.
61% of British adults agree with the statement, ‘the burka should be banned in Britain’, while about a third (32%) disagree. This shows a modest decrease in support for the ban compared to 2012, when 66% agreed with the idea and 27% did not

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